Collection: Olive oil

There is nothing we dislike more than olive oil with an industrial crude aftertaste. To avoid this misery, you have to get over a certain class, that's all. A bad oil on your Margherita will drive it to the bottom, 100%. Therefore, you will only find oils of the absolute highest class here. Which ones are better or worse when you are in the top tier is a matter of taste, but we like these right now. We try a lot every year as it is so important to us.

We believe that the balance in oil is the most important thing. Then if the oil smells like grass, tomato twigs or whatever, well it's so individual that we're not even going to give our opinion. The important thing is that you instinctively think that this is good, whether the oil is mild, medium peppery or peppery in style.

Generally speaking, oils from Naples are peppery even if they themselves call them mild. That's why we usually have some oil at the pizzeria that comes from another place in Italy where olives are grown that produce slightly milder, more elegant oils. It goes without saying that all the oils we sell are produced on a small scale and according to all the rules of the art. As we import the oils ourselves and have chosen to keep margins low, the oils are relatively cheap. In Italy, oils are often divided into Fruttato Leggero (mild flavor), Fruttato Medio (medium flavor), and fruttato intenso (intense flavor). However, we are only describing our opinion here, not the producer's.