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Biscotti for Ooni Koda 16

Biscotti for Ooni Koda 16

Regular price 514,00 kr
Regular price Sale price 514,00 kr
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This biscotti stone is made by the renowned Fornace Saputo, who are the best in the world at making fireproof stones for pizza baking in ovens over 400 degrees. Everyone who knows anything about anything knows this is true :) This stone is only for those who run the Ooni oven at max and get it over 400°.

The reason why a good stone like this is so important is because the heat conduction capability in the material that the pizza lies on has to be very precise. If you have a regular fireproof stone that you find around in Sweden, the bottom of the pizza will burn instantly.

These stones are actually one of the biggest secrets of Neapolitan pizza ovens, and you should know that the secretiveness is great. If you want to bake a good Neapolitan pizza at high temperature, you simply cannot avoid using one of these.

This biscotti stone is more expensive than our other one because it has to be packaged incredibly perfectly to avoid breaking during shipping. Without this packing procedure, we received far too many complaints, so you'll have to put up with that. That's life sometimes :) 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews
Alexander E.
Perfekt för många pizzor i Koda 16

Jag köpte stenen för att jag inte ville ha samma temperatur-dropp som jag upplevt med originalstenen i Koda 16 och det löser denna stenen. Kommer upp i temp snabbt och håller sig hyfsat stadigt. Pizzan känns överlag krispigare och jämnare tillagad än med originalstenen.


Mycket lättare att få till kanonpizzor på högre temperaturer, men kräver ordentligt med förvärming innan man kan köra igång...

Olof K.
Andra chans

Första testet blev tyvärr i snöstorm så jag får avvakta bättre väder eftersom vinden och kylan drog ned temperaturen, botten blev inte bränd men inte heller bakad