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Lilla Napoli Tote Bag

Lilla Napoli Tote Bag

Regular price 134,00 kr
Regular price Sale price 134,00 kr
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A good tote bag like this is undoubtedly practical, so we think you should buy it even if you hate us. In that case, you just have to paint over the logo :)

A little fun fact is that we have a past in sailmaking, and it shows in this tote bag that simply doesn't break. That's how it is. It's made of organic cotton and all that jazz if anybody thinks that's important.

It took a whole 8 years to squeeze out this first merch product, so you're warmly welcome to support us if you're interested. PS: It's also included in some of our fun packages.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Maria N.

Snygg, lätt, perfekt att ha med på resa tänker jag. Blir julklapp till sonen och sonhustrun som ska på långresa med två småttingar. Å behöver de varsin!

Emil Ö.

Trodde aldrig jag skulle köpa en tygkasse för 200kr. Men när den var ner satt så passade jag på, helt klart värt pengarna. Hade kunnat betala full pris.

Den är riktigt rejäl. Kommer användas massor👍